Social Media Networking
Get to know your customersHave a chat, find out what your audience really thinks of you.
Social Media Networking (SMN) shouldn't be confused with Social Media Marketing.
SMN is used to describe the process of connecting and having conversations with customers and staff in a relaxed and informal way. This is done through the use of social networking websites such as Facebook and Twitter.
For maximum results Social Media Marketing and Social Meda Networking should be used together but there is a clear difference between the two and they both have individual roles to play.
People are Paramount!Where would you be without your customers or employees?
SMN connects you with the people who matter the most to your company or service - your customers and employees. Using SMN is all about communicating on a personal level and allowing your company to be approachable. You can really find out what customers think, find attractive about your business or find off-putting, you can let them know that you are human too and can sympathise and share concerns.
Social Media Networking sites can be used to ask customer opinions on current or future stock in your clothes shop, for example, or favourite meal of the day if you own a restaurant. You can offer Facebook Fans money off vouchers, or Twitter followers the chance to win a night out.
Learn to ListenYou can play right into your customers needs.
SMN can be a fantastic way to find out how to market and advertise your comapny or services. Lets say you have 200 Facebook fans and Twitter followers. On a particularly wet and windy weekend, 90 of them make a public post complaining that they got caught in the rain and are miserable. This is not very good for your customers, but if your company sells waterproof coats, wellington boots or umberellas, now is the chance to step in with some clever Social Media Marketing and Advertising. This is how SMN and SMM work hand in hand.
Using SMN you can become a customer favourite because you are approachable and friendly and really care. You can also find marketing and advertising opportunities as you build your good reputation and hopefully increase sales!